Brooke had a fun birthday! The night before Candace Burton, Alec Lovato, and Kelsey Goode came over to decorate the front of our house. It was sooo hard to get Brooke to leave our home office area which is in the front of the house so she wouldn't hear them. I would sneak out a side door and take pictures of them and she never knew I was outside. Another friend, Isaiah Perry, wanted to surprise her by doing something sweet for her birthday because "Brooke is always doing nice things for everyone and no one does anything for her." He made a poster for me to put in her bathroom. He also brought her flowers, a crown, and feather boa. He and his mom, Crystal Perry, helped chalk the driveway. His gesture totally brought her to tears. Candace, Alec, and Kelsey gave me a Red Bull and a small wheel of gouda cheese to give her when she woke up LOL.
I went to Costco and bought 25 very LARGE churros to take to her at school for her birthday. I think the kids really enjoyed them LOL. I know Brooke (and Candace) liked them! I also helped her with some of her campaigning during lunch. She got some sweet gifts from friends. Her friend Kyle Byer made her cupcakes and bought her a Volcano Vista High School Bear (so adorable!). Josh Lubold got her some candy and a cute stuffed animal (and wrote the sweetest note, which she liked even more than the "stuff."). Another boy bought her a stuffed animal and some bath products and another one got her a SUPER large Red Bull LOL. Victor Espinoza brought over a HUGE stuffed bear and a sweet card. Kayleen Aragon bought her a DVD and some candy. The other girls are waiting for Brooke's party to bring their gifts. We took Brooke and a few of her girl friends to dinner that evening. We ended our night home for an ice cream cake.
Candace Burton, Alec Lovato, and Kelsey Good decorated the front of our house the night before Brooke's birthday.
They "chalked" a bunch of inside jokes all over our driveway and sidewalks.
This is what she was greeted with when she woke up her birthday morning.
This was the first time any boy went to so much trouble to surprise her (which brought tears to her eyes).
I went to Costco and bought 25 very LARGE churros to take to her at school for her birthday. I think the kids really enjoyed them LOL. I know Brooke (and Candace) liked them! I also helped her with some of her campaigning during lunch. She got some sweet gifts from friends. Her friend Kyle Byer made her cupcakes and bought her a Volcano Vista High School Bear (so adorable!). Josh Lubold got her some candy and a cute stuffed animal (and wrote the sweetest note, which she liked even more than the "stuff."). Another boy bought her a stuffed animal and some bath products and another one got her a SUPER large Red Bull LOL. Victor Espinoza brought over a HUGE stuffed bear and a sweet card. Kayleen Aragon bought her a DVD and some candy. The other girls are waiting for Brooke's party to bring their gifts. We took Brooke and a few of her girl friends to dinner that evening. We ended our night home for an ice cream cake.
