We were able to have Brent "set apart" to be a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Monday evening (June 15, 2009) by our Stake President, Lane Sego. Besides myself, Greg, and Brooke, Brent also had friends: Kathlein Marcell, Gabby Ellison, Ashley Pattin, and Candace Burton attend. Before he was set apart, the last song he listened to was "Hey Jude" by The Beatles. He will give up popular music, TV, movies, girls, texting, etc. for two years. The girls also gave him his last hugs from females who are not family (Gabby got the very last hug). Rachael Marcell could not attend as she was on her flight back to Texas. Sister Kristen Marcell (who was at work but who joined us later) told us that Rachael was emotional on the plane. I guess the flight attendant noticed her crying about Brent leaving. The flight attendant AND the pilot both tried to comfort Rachael before the flight :-)
Me, Brent, Greg, and Brooke.

Kathlein, Gabby, Brent, and Ashley.
We met up the next morning with Brent's friends for one last breakfast in Albuquerque. We ate at Weck's Restaurant:
Kurtis Caldwell, Daniel Gooris, Curtis Beach, and Brent enjoy breakfast with lots of green chile.
Brooke gives her meal a thumbs up!
Brent wrote letters to some of his friends while waiting for our plane.
Our Family :-)
Greg showed everyone some pictures on his laptop of the day he entered the Provo Missionary Training Center (these aunts and uncles were in the pictures as they all went with Greg as he reported to the MTC).

Brent with the Salt Lake Temple in the background.
Greg, Brooke, Brent, Me, Elise, and Brian in front of the Salt Lake Temple.
How are you doing Cheryl? This is tough on Moms...xo