The secret is finally out...the "WWBD" party stood for: "What Would Barbie Do?" The girls decided on this theme after talking to Carlo at our local MAC (makeup) store. He thought doing a Barbie theme would be great for this group of eight girls. We thought it would be funny if each girl picked a Barbie to represent themselves and then make a short mini-movie that kind of went along with their Barbie.
Left to right: Superstar Barbie (Kayleen Aragon), New York Barbie (Kelsey Goode), Rock Star Barbie (Jenni Leverence), Malibu Barbie (Candace Burton), Party Time Barbie (Brooke), Biker Barbie (Harleigh Ruffin), Fashion Fever Barbie (Natalie Baxter), and Prom Queen Barbie (Brianna Perea).
We ordered customized pink, hot pink, and white M&Ms (with a silhouetted Barbie head on some and the words: Chick Clique and Barbie Girls on the others). We also found some Barbie crown plastic rings online to put on cupcakes I purchased at Sam's. We gave away pink door prizes (pink ear bud head phones, black with pink Nike shoe bag, a Beach Barbie and Ken doll with pink lip balm attached, a cellophane bag of 5 different pink types of gum/candy, and a BIG Barbie-ish Candy bouquet that Kayleen's mom Angela made up).
Guests went home with a gift bag containing a Barbie candy lipstick and Barbie candy compact. Probably the coolest thing we did was make a picture booth that looked like guests were inside a Barbie box (thanks to my nieces Andrea and Allie who made it for us!). Here are a few pictures of these things:
The "thank you for coming to our party" gift.
Candace and Brooke with the DJ, Thomas Singkanati, who is also one of their sand volleyball coaches.
Here's a video of most of the relay:
Winners of the Barbie Dress Up Relay: (front row): Andre Vigil, Mason Steffensen, Daniel Stefan, Candace Burton, (middle row): Kayleen Aragon, Brooke, Kyle Piersol, Eric McIntyre, and (back row): Drew Janis, Isaiah Perry, and Natalie Baxter.

"What Would Barbie Do?" Movie--Part 1
"What Would Barbie Do?" Movie--Part 2
Malibu Barbie (Candace) in the Barbie Box.
Fashion Fever Barbie (Natalie) in the Barbie Box.
Superstar Barbie (Kayleen) in the Barbie Box.
New York Barbie (Kelsey) in the Barbie Box.
Rock Star Barbie (Jenni) in the Barbie Box.
Biker Barbie (Harleigh) in the Barbie Box.
Prom Queen Barbie (Brianna) in the Barbie Box.
Best friends in the Barbie Box.
Nathan in the Barbie Box.
Dorsett in the Barbie Box.
Brooke and Mason in the Barbie Box.
Kelsey and Isaiah in the Barbie Box.
Brooke and Cameron in the Barbie Box.
Brooke offered cupcakes to Julian and Anthony.
Brent and Zach in the Barbie Box.
The Barbie Girls

I had lots of fun planning with the girls! We did things up very Barbie-ish meaning we had tons of PINK! Bernice and David Burton created the Barbie Dream House entrance with a pink carpet walkway (pink fabric taped down with pink duct tape) and pink Barbie lounge (Bernice made slip covers for our patio furniture and David made the dream house). Moms Brandy Ruffin and Gail Baxter (with help from dad Carl Baxter and son Chase Ruffin) spelled out Barbie girls in our fence with pink cups and decorated our back yard with hot pink tulle.
We ordered customized pink, hot pink, and white M&Ms (with a silhouetted Barbie head on some and the words: Chick Clique and Barbie Girls on the others). We also found some Barbie crown plastic rings online to put on cupcakes I purchased at Sam's. We gave away pink door prizes (pink ear bud head phones, black with pink Nike shoe bag, a Beach Barbie and Ken doll with pink lip balm attached, a cellophane bag of 5 different pink types of gum/candy, and a BIG Barbie-ish Candy bouquet that Kayleen's mom Angela made up).
Guests went home with a gift bag containing a Barbie candy lipstick and Barbie candy compact. Probably the coolest thing we did was make a picture booth that looked like guests were inside a Barbie box (thanks to my nieces Andrea and Allie who made it for us!). Here are a few pictures of these things:

The girls had a DJ for three of the four hours (compliments of Kayleen's Mom and Stepfather) and the big jumpy slide (compliments of Greg and I).

We also came up with two activities and a movie that we made called "What Would Barbie Do?" The first activity was a Barbie Relay where we split the Barbie girl hostesses into two teams and gave each team eight young men who proceeded to put on a skirt, sweater, necklace, and purse, run across our sport court, take the clothes off, and then give it to the next young man. Brooke made up a cute Barbie wrapper that we put on big Symphony Candy Bars for the prizes (you can click the picture of the winners below, after the video of the relay to see a larger version of the kids holding their candy bars).
Here's a video of most of the relay:

Between the two activities, the girls showed their movie. Here's a picture of everyone getting ready to watch:

Here is the movie "What Would Barbie Do?" broken up into two parts so watch both of the following videos:
"What Would Barbie Do?" Movie--Part 1
"What Would Barbie Do?" Movie--Part 2
Best Ken Style: Mason Steffensen
Best Barbie Style: Grace White Barbie's Best All-Around Person: Andre Vigil
Barbie's Most Fun Person: Jeremy Shaffer
Brightest Smile: Julian Encinas
Dreamiest Eyes: Dylan Tull
Most Amazing Person: Isaiah Perry
Dare Devil: Jason Winters
Barbie's Prom King: Kyle Piersol
Best Barbie Hair: Mariah Edwards
Best Ken Hair: Dorsett Valdez
Barbie's Best Friend: Josh Lubold
Campout Ken: Ty Haguewood
Person Barbie Would Friend on "MySpace": Christian Benedicto
Barbie and Ken Best Couple Award: (Tie) Julian and Andre AND Eric and Jeremy
Barbie's Smartest Friend: Nathan Brown
Boy Barbie Wished Was Her Brother: Lolo Otero
Girl Barbie Wished Was Her Sister: Audrey Sweeney
Abs That Rival Ken's: (Tie) D'yon Santiago AND Drew Janis
Best Wearing of Barbie's Favorite Color: (Voted on at the party) Anthony Nieto
Best Barbie Style: Grace White Barbie's Best All-Around Person: Andre Vigil
Barbie's Most Fun Person: Jeremy Shaffer
Brightest Smile: Julian Encinas
Dreamiest Eyes: Dylan Tull
Most Amazing Person: Isaiah Perry
Dare Devil: Jason Winters
Barbie's Prom King: Kyle Piersol
Best Barbie Hair: Mariah Edwards
Best Ken Hair: Dorsett Valdez
Barbie's Best Friend: Josh Lubold
Campout Ken: Ty Haguewood
Person Barbie Would Friend on "MySpace": Christian Benedicto
Barbie and Ken Best Couple Award: (Tie) Julian and Andre AND Eric and Jeremy
Barbie's Smartest Friend: Nathan Brown
Boy Barbie Wished Was Her Brother: Lolo Otero
Girl Barbie Wished Was Her Sister: Audrey Sweeney
Abs That Rival Ken's: (Tie) D'yon Santiago AND Drew Janis
Best Wearing of Barbie's Favorite Color: (Voted on at the party) Anthony Nieto

NOTE: Brent's friends played basketball until about 1:45 AM. They had just finished playing right before police officers came for the 2nd visit of the night to quiet us down. Here is a video of the boys after playing "21" in a best of 7 series. The series went to the 7th game with the winning team just barely claiming victory by 2 points. Check out the "Award Ceremony" and mine and Andrea's "interviews" with the winning and losing teams...