6th Picture in 6th Folder TAG

I was tagged to post my 6th picture in my 6th folder. I actually had to go to my 6th folder and the 6th folder in that folder and then the 6th picture (I organize my pictures by year).

This was the first spring break trip I took Brooke and Candace on. We were in NYC at Jake and Jen's Brooklyn Apartment. Jen made us a fabulous dinner. That was another great trip. I truly love New York!

Now, the next 6 people I tag are Pam J., Jen S., Karee S., Kim P., Michele Marie, and Bri S. Good Luck ladies, I will check out your blog and see who followed directions.


Ingelheim Five said…
Good work Miss! And a timely look down memory lane to boot! Fun.
NYCmom said…
Awww...I loved having you guys there. My only regret is not making you walk with me to our favorite little bakery...Mazzolas. You would've loved it and then you could've seen the cute part of our neighborhood instead of the Long Island Expressway part.