I have waited to post about my weight loss status until I hit what I consider a mini-milestone :-) Yep, this morning I finally hit the 10 pounds lost mark...well, 10.2 pounds to be exact :-) I have been on my latest weight loss journey since November 1, 2008. I might have done better if we didn't have all those eating holidays (including my birthday) these past 2 1/2 months LOL. I'm now about at the weight I got down to a few years ago when on Weight Watchers, but I lost this a lot easier than I did back then. I'm now at the weight I got up to with my first pregnancy (how depressing, but better than that weight plus the 16 more pounds I had on my body at my top weight). I would love to lose 30 more pounds, but that may be unrealistic for my age (47). Losing 20 more lbs. may be a better goal.
Here's a picture of me today (no photoshopping, no high heels, no taking the picture with good angles--I even wore trouser-style pants as opposed to tighter pants with a nicer line to not make myself look better haha). I'm humiliating myself in public by posting on my blog in hopes it will help me as I work towards my goal.
Here's a picture of me today (no photoshopping, no high heels, no taking the picture with good angles--I even wore trouser-style pants as opposed to tighter pants with a nicer line to not make myself look better haha). I'm humiliating myself in public by posting on my blog in hopes it will help me as I work towards my goal.

For all the time I've been "stalking" online, I've always thought you looked great. To steal a quote from Martina McBride; ". . .You're beautiful the way you are. ." But we each know inside, even when it doesn't show on the outside, when something is not right. I encourage you to lose as much weight as makes you comfortable with yourself and healthy for your body so that you can enjoy your family to the fullest! I think of that last part everyday because I lost my Mom (estentially because of Type 2 Diabetes) way too early. You'd think that would make it easier for me to lose my weight; but being the complicated beings we are, it doesn't.
You have a cheerleader in Arizona! Your new friend, (hopefully I can lose the "stalker" part now!), Michele : )
PS to Michele: You have now officially been moved up to "friend" status as opposed to stalker LOL :-)
Ive been doing it for a week now.. I didnt do a starting weight... but just the eating habit was a much needed change.