Another of our Christmas traditions is to eat Christmas Eve dinner in Old Town (Albuquerque). We started off going with Mike and Nancy Carlisle and Rick and Jeanne Davis and their families. After the Davis's moved, we started going with Dave and Misti Falco and Rich Myers. Now that our family is getting older, we go by ourselves. We usually eat Mexican food at Casa de Fiesta but were told that they had closed down so we went to the Restaurant Antiquity. After dinner, we (always) take a quick look around Old Town's plaza and view the luminarias and other Christmas goings on.
After our trip to Old Town this year, Sean and Jackie Walker invited us over to their house. We started off playing the chimes and were a sad group until we all started focusing :-) We then moved on to the "Yankee Swap/White Elephant" exchange. I had "stolen" the mints from Elise (not knowing that there was a $10 bill taped to the front). I ended up giving her the money at the end of the game and shared the mints with everyone. Greg "won" a fancy Bratz lamp (don't ask me why he wanted to make a MySpace "kissy face" pose). Greg and Sean ended up Karoaking by themselves while the rest of us chatted. I couldn't resist catching Greg and Sean singing as it was making Brooke, Lauren, and I laugh.
We opened up our presents afterwards so Elise and Brian could spend time with the Walkers Christmas morning. We had a very enjoyable evening!
Admiring the luminarias in Old Town and listening to Christmas Carolers.
Name That Tune...
Elise with the mints (and cash) before I took them from her.
Cami gets the PedEgg :-)
Lauren and Brent at the Walker's house. (NOTE: They had fooled a lot of kids at Cibola into thinking they were brother and sister).
Cami, Aubrey, Elise, and Lauren model their matching Christmas PJs.
Brooke with the Barbie earrings I bought her for Christmas.
A pedal for Brent's electric guitar.
After our trip to Old Town this year, Sean and Jackie Walker invited us over to their house. We started off playing the chimes and were a sad group until we all started focusing :-) We then moved on to the "Yankee Swap/White Elephant" exchange. I had "stolen" the mints from Elise (not knowing that there was a $10 bill taped to the front). I ended up giving her the money at the end of the game and shared the mints with everyone. Greg "won" a fancy Bratz lamp (don't ask me why he wanted to make a MySpace "kissy face" pose). Greg and Sean ended up Karoaking by themselves while the rest of us chatted. I couldn't resist catching Greg and Sean singing as it was making Brooke, Lauren, and I laugh.
We opened up our presents afterwards so Elise and Brian could spend time with the Walkers Christmas morning. We had a very enjoyable evening!

Name That Tune...
