Greg's Patient a National Spelling Bee Favorite

Greg's patient, Matthew Evans, is a favorite to win the 2008 Scripps National Spelling Bee this year. I'm including a picture of him checking in today as he prepares to compete this week. I received the following information from Matthew's mom Helen Evans:

The quarterfinals air live on Thursday, May 29th from 2:00-5:30 PM EDT (12-3:30 PM MST).

The semifinals air live on ESPN on Friday, May 30 from 11 AM-2 PM EDT (9 AM - 12 PM MST).

The championship finals air live on ABC from 8-10 PM EDT (6-8 PM MST).

You can go to the National Bee website,, for real time round results if the suspense of the broadcast is more than you can bear. Matthew's speller number is 162.

Go Matthew! last thing...Last year's winner, Evan O'Dorney had some hilarous moments. Check out these two YouTube videos of him if you want a good laugh! Seriously! watch both of them (the first video mentions Matthew Evans).


NYCmom said…
Those are so hilarious!!! I had to make Jake watch too...too funny!