Cibola's State Championship 4x200 relay team. Brent starts the third leg in third place and surges past the competition (Rio Rancho's Orion Murphy and La Cueva's Chad Clark).
You can select high quality to watch the video on YouTube's web site if it looks too grainy here. Click the "YouTube" logo in the bottom right corner of the actual video and it will take you to the YouTube web site. Look for the place to RATE the video and to it's right, you will see VIEWS. Under VIEWS you will see a link that either says to "Watch in high quality" or "Watch in standard quality." If it says to "Watch in high quality," click on that (if it says to "Watch in standard quality," do nothing but hit play).
You can select high quality to watch the video on YouTube's web site if it looks too grainy here. Click the "YouTube" logo in the bottom right corner of the actual video and it will take you to the YouTube web site. Look for the place to RATE the video and to it's right, you will see VIEWS. Under VIEWS you will see a link that either says to "Watch in high quality" or "Watch in standard quality." If it says to "Watch in high quality," click on that (if it says to "Watch in standard quality," do nothing but hit play).